Adventurous Africa Photography South Africa

15 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park is renowned for its captivating wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. Here are 15 inspiring photos to inspire you to visit Kruger National Park.

Embark on a journey of discovery in and around Kruger National Park and Greater Kruger National Park, a mesmerizing destination where you can witness the incredible Big 5 – Elephant, Rhino, Lion, Buffalo, and Leopard. Traveling to South Africa provides a unique and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe Africa’s wildlife thriving in their natural habitats.

Helpful Tip: Numerous travelers often inquire about the distinctions between Kruger National Park and the Greater Kruger. These two renowned destinations are situated as next-door neighbors in the far north-eastern corner of South Africa, representing two of the country’s most sought-after ecotourism hubs.

The primary distinction between Kruger Park and Greater Kruger lies in their nature. Kruger Park operates as a state-sponsored national park, whereas Greater Kruger comprises a collection of private game reserves affiliated with the Associated Private Nature Reserves (APNR).

Between these parks, there are options that fit into almost all budgets, allowing you to choose the gambit, from an economical self-drive adventure with nightly camping under the stars for less than R200 (approximately USD 13) to a luxurious stay at a private luxury lodge. The choice is yours to make the most of this extraordinary encounter with nature.

During my time on safari in South Africa, I stayed at two private luxury camps in Greater Kruger, Bateleur Safari Camp and Mohlabetsi Safari Lodge.

I spent 3 nights at each camp and was able to experience life-changing and once-of-a-lifetime moments every single day, from meeting two Cheetah brothers who looked pregnant from a morning of eating very well for themselves to an on-foot search for a family of rhinos who were traversing the bush looking for a place to rest.

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